Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Where I am shackled...

Well before Christmas, I accepted a challenge with the boys over at DeepSpace to paint up a 10 man squad of models by January 2nd. Well I failed to meet the deadline but it did do the job and get me painting...

This is where I have been living whenever I was able to sneak away from the families (we had both with us this year) and obligations...

Now what have I been working on all this time?! The main push has been on my first squad of Legion of the Damned Space Marines. The squad is a man short because I have misplaced the body for the heavy weapon gunner... It was a rather ambitions project for me as they are my first marines and I was using old bodies and guns with the new arms so a lot of messing around and pinning had to be done to get the boys together. Also, since they cost so much (points) there are not going to be lots of them in the army so I decided that drybrushing was not going to do it for these "base troops".

Here are the 3 first stages for the bone portions. (2-3 more remain). I am also going for a dirty black look so highlighted the armour with a succession of brown tones but I was having trouble making it visible. I asked my wife what she thought and I got "they're still black"... grumble... The Chestnut wash over the entire model (last on the right) helped bring out the edging on the rest of the model for which I'm grateful...

Here they all are as of tonight.

I figure I still need another 20-40 hours of work on these guys to have them finished, including bases so they are going to be haunting me for a while yet.


The Shine said...


Nice start to your blog. If you are planning on maintaning your it I'd like to add a link here from mine if that's ok. I would just ask that you return the favor.

Nice start to the marines by the way, looking good.

Keep it up.

AbuShaitahn said...

Thanks for stopping by and your kind words.

Yes I hope to keep this blog going. I think it's a great idea for keeping tabs on my creative musings and it helps keep 10000 pics out of message boards. 8)
I have added a link to your blog on mine.


The Shine said...

Sorry it took me so long. I've posted a link from me to you.

Keep it up.