This was my first piece (notice the undrilled gun barrels). It's been around for a while so please disregard the smudges in the dust on it...

Nex to come was my first SM Dreadnought. Wanting to keep to the "dead" theme, I found a shield off a fallen paladin from Reaper that made a perfect cover for the sarcophagus/face to the warmachine. I recently tore off the arm and put this new one on (old one was the basic metal twin-linked las cannons without drilled out cannons). I used the barrel from the LotD lascannon to replace the top most one of the arm to keep the theme going (see my predator below). The powerfist is from Screaming Skull Catapult from the Tomb Kings line.
Lastly, my Predator Annihilator was finished shortly before christmas. The sponson-mounted lascannons are attached with magnets so I can swap them out for Heavy Bolters though these have not been painted yet. Again I painfully cut up LotD lascannons to replace the barrels on those on the tank and I used a zombie head on the gunner to add to the whole "we're living dead marines" fluff. I put the turret towards the back of the tank and found tha the barrels were going to hit front exhaust vents so I used a second turret base that I cut down to fit over top the first and then green stuffed in the gaps. Not my best green stuff job but it did the job.

Wow, that looks like some serious good stuff.
Hehhehhhe, I love the skellies on the lascannon barrels. Excellent!
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