Now almost 2 weeks of time off, even with the families visiting should have allowed me enough time to paint up my 10 (*cough*9*cough) marines but other than spending an entire day rebuilding my wife's computer, cooking a turkey and a cipaille (huge multi-layer meat casserole that my wife's familly eats at Xmas), organizing 2 Xmas dinners and breakfast, etc..... I was unable, as usual to focus on only one painting project...
I managed to spend a bit more time poking at what is to be the first of MANY Skaven Plague Monks, trying not only to get some paint on them in a pleasing way, but also to find a good quick way to paint many, many more of them without going insane. So the 20 are in various states of readiness as I have been experimenting with glazing (visit
Brushthralls for more info)...
I must mention though that the Vallejo Model Color "Smoke" is a wonderful, wonderful thing. Like a black wash but has a grittier finish which I have found invaluable mixing with the green and brown (staff) glazes I've been trying out.

And of course, because I will soon be working on some converted Eldar Warp Spiders, I decided that I should at least paint up the old ones that have been hiding in my bitz box for at least 3 years... I figure I need the practice if nothing else... Like everything else, they are far from done, but are starting to take shape...

And of course, as if this wasn't enough, I also started work on a Confrontation model that my wife really likes that I'll be doing up for her at some point soon.... I think if I were half as good at finishing projects as I am at starting them, I'd have no room left for models in my basement...